

Your booking will be finalized after payment is received.

Please be ready to show your payment when arriving to class.

Mobile pay to 916588

To qualify for a discount, both courses must start on the same date or run consecutively (side by side) within the same week. If the courses are scheduled at different times or weeks, the discount does not apply. Please ensure the course dates align before purchasing.


-14 weeks - 1600:-

2 x 14 weeks - 2880:- save 320:-

3x 14 weeks - 4080:- save 720:-

-5 weeks - 675:-

2x 5 weeks 1215:- save 135:-

3x 5 weeks 1721:- save 303:-

-4 weeks - 540:-

2x 4 weeks 972:- save 108:-

3x 4 weeks 1377:- save 243:-